

4321 Uppsatser om Cosmopolitan interpretation of life - Sida 1 av 289

Andlighet och religiositet på Fryshuset : en inblick i en senmodern och global förändringskontext

The aim of this study is to investigate the components of religion and spirituality in the specific context of "Fryshuset" ? a multicultural and glocal arena. Against the backdrop of contemporary researchers such as Heelas and Woodhead and their hypothesis about the "spiritual revolution" and a "new spirituality", as well as the postmodern discussion about "the return of God", this study discusses how religious change can be understood in the context of Fryshuset.The theoretical point of departure is taken in a hermeneutical method where Fleck´s theory about "thought-collective" and Gidden´s theory about the "duality of structure" are used in order to understand and describe the dialectical relationship between individual and social structure.The method used in this study is qualitative. The interviews are made of six individuals representing different social projects at Fryshuset.By analyzing the material from the field study through theories on religious change, three areas are identified:"The subjective turn"Religion and spiritualityA Cosmopolitan interpretation of life The result of this study is that the religiosity among the interviewed can be described through Taylor?s understanding of the "subjective turn".

Ka?ta tjejer och Ka?rria?rsmammor - kvinnan ska vara allt : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnan skildras i magasinen Cosmopolitan och Slitz

Every day readers of magazines receive advice on how their life is expected to be. Magazines write about what to wear, who you should be dating and where you should work. People are social beings and are affected on what they read, hear and see. In that way media is one of the main channels which defines people and draws examples on for example how a "normal" woman should be.This essay dealt with several questions: how women are described in Swedish women magazine Cosmopolitan and men ?s magazine Slitz and how they are differ from each other.

?Jag är ledsen baby, men jag är man och vi män experimeterar med skägg? - en studie om hur män framställs i svenska Cosmopolitan 2011

Titel: ?Jag är ledsen baby, men jag är man och vi män experimeterar med skägg? - en studie om hur män framställs i svenska Cosmopolitan 2011Författare: Marie Anneling och Ellen SvahnKurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitetTermin: Vårterminen 2012Handledare: Malin SveningssonAntal ord: 17 699 exkl. innehållsförteckning, referenser och bilagaSyfte: Att undersöka hur män framställs i svenska Cosmopolitan 2011Metod: Kvalitativ textanalys med ECA- modellenMaterial: Delen ? Ditt backstagepass till mannens innersta, Cosmo Guy Spy? i 2011 års CosmopolitanHuvudresultat: Resultatet av studien visar på en typ av man som lever utefter den hegemoniska maskuliniteten. Cosmopolitan representerar huvudsakligen ett essentialistiskt synsätt på människor.

Ola Rapace verkar ju lycklig, men hur gör då jag för att också bli det?

This paper examines which media messages related to happiness that can be found in interviews with famous people in the four largest lifestyle magazines in Sweden for the age group 16-34. The magazines are Cosmopolitan, Elle, Café and King. Depending on which magazine the reader chooses to read he/she will be presented with different roads to happiness. Common for all examined magazines are happiness factors related to personal goals, determination and work. Often in a causal connection where the goal orientation and determination is tied together with success in work and career for the interview persons.

Profeten sade: konsultera ditt hjärta : hadither och sunnah som meningsskapande referens i en moskégrupp i Sverige

This essay examines the processes of interpretations of hadith within a group of muslim women in Stockholm, Sweden. The readings and interpretation of hadith took place in a smaller mosque. The practices of interpretation was studied by the authour through observations and further discussed with informants in interviews. Meaningmaking processes which connected the hadith readings with the everyday life of the group participants; related to questions of moral and etics, relations between men and women and other specific issues, has been highlightened through the observations. The material from observations and interviews has been examined hermeneutically through a narrative model of analysis, revealing structures of interpretation which includes local perspectives as well as connections to a global islamic discourse.

En illusion av verkligheten : En kvalitativ, komparativ analys av magasinsomslag ur genusperspektiv

Each time you pass a stand full of magazines it?s hard not to absorb the many exhortations that are being thrown at you. The range of different lifestyle magazines have more or less exploded during the last years. All magazines, each one trying to outmatch the other, want to help you improve to be the best you can.People get affected by their surroundings including what they see and what they read. Therefore we chose to do this study, as an opportunity to get a closer look on what the Swedish lifestyle magazines Cosmopolitan and Café tell us about women and men.

"De skulle väl aldrig ställa en ful kille där" : Unga män om mansbilden i Vecko Revyn och Cosmopolitan

Our study aims to discover how young men aged 15-19 perceive the image of men in women?s magazines. To do this we let eight young men read the two women?s magazines most read by young women their own age, Vecko Revyn and Cosmopolitan. We want to find whether they consider this image to be representative of their own reality.

"Då var det dags igen." En litteraturstudie om livskvalitet och copingstrategier hos personer som behandlas med dialys.

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about and deepen our understanding for people who are treated with dialysis in aspects of quality of life and coping strategies. The research questions were: How does the scientific literature describe quality of life and coping strategies from people?s perspective who are treated with dialysis? How does dialysis affect patients and their lives? How/what can the nurses do for people who are treated with dialysis to keep or improve their quality of life. The result is based on eight scientific articles and after interpretation of the result we found six themes that describes how patients have to restructure their lives to a new normal life, how they adapt to a life with dialysis treatment, how dialysis affect their physical condition, witch meaning does the family and others have, how they keep their self-esteem in relation to the dependence of dialysis treatment and which factors are associated with a long life with dialysis..

Är interpretation viktigt för alla?: En studie i hur musiklärare arbetar med interpretation i en populärmusik-ensemble

I denna studie undersöker vi tre musiklärares syn på interpretation i en pop/rock-orienterad ensemblemiljö. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av tre kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer där informanterna bestod av verksamma ensemblelärare i gymnasieskola samt högskola.Resultatet av studien visar att de intervjuade lärarna är eniga om att interpretation är viktigt, oavsett vilket instrument lärarna spelar eller vilken genrepraxis de följer. Däremot skiljer sig metoderna åt när lärarna interpreterar beroende på instrument och sammanhang. I resultatet reflekterar de intervjuade lärarna över vad interpretation innebär och beskriver olika tillvägagångssätt för att implementera detta i undervisningen..

Genus - en medial konstruktion? : En kvalitativ text- och bildanalys av Cosmopolitan och FHM

Genom åren har debatten om hur män och kvinnor framställs och porträtteras i media handlat om vilka signaler dessa sänder ut till samhället, med tyngdpunkten på negativa aspekter kring hur framförallt bilden av kvinnan framhålls.I denna uppsats ges ett försök till att undersöka och granska hur föreställningar om genus uttrycks och produceras i text och i bild i livsstilsmagasinen Cosmopolitan och FHM. Cosmopolitan är ett medium som vänder sig till unga kvinnor i åldrarna 20-30 år medan FHM vänder sig till män i åldrarna 18-35.För att kunna identifiera den producerade bilden av genus, vad som är specifikt manligt respektive kvinnligt utgår uppsatsen från en teoretisk ram som behandlar maskulinitet och femininitet, identifikation, mediernas makt och stereotyper, samt genus i media. Som inspirationskälla står medieforskaren Anja Hirdman och hennes verk Tilltalande bilder - genus, sexualitet och publiksyn i Veckorevyn och Fib aktuellt.Uppsatsens genomförande vilar på en kvalitativ undersökning i form av en retorisk textanalys och en bildanalys. Som exempel står 20 artiklar som är hämtade från fyra olika utgåvor från respektive livsstilsmagasin under år 2006, där artiklar som på något sätt behandlar sexualitet och relationer har analyserats.Med utgångspunkt från det insamlade materialet, kopplat till den teoretiska ramen, har således vissa tendenser kunnat identifieras som visar på att det finns tydliga skillnader, men också likheter mellan livsstilsmagasinen. I Cosmopolitan konstrueras bilden av kvinnlighet utifrån ett manligt godkännande då hon i text och bild tenderar att visas upp i och skrivas om i förhållande till mannen.

Demokratins avgränsningsproblem : En kritik av det kosmopolitiska demokratiidealet

The aim of this paper is to examine whether the theory of cosmopolitan democracy provides a satisfactory solution to the boundary problem in democratic theory. I argue that David Held's version of cosmopolitan democracy rests on two incompatibleprinciples: the all-affected principle and the all-inclusive principle. However, the theory does not need to presuppose both these principles; it requires only one of them.Furthermore, I try to show that both of these principles fail to provide an adequate solution to the boundary problem. The all-inclusive principle suggests that all citizens of the world should be included in a global democratic unit. I argue that such an ideal is not desirable since it conflicts with the principle of subsidiarity and withdraws from regional political communities their sovereignty.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning?Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the story. Yet they are a vital part of the story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost.And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role?This essay?s focus is my story ?Between the shelves?, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library.

Irlands ekonomiska uppgång och fall.

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Att leva sitt liv: Tonårsflickor om livsangelägenheter, informationsbehov och informationsanskaffning.

Adolescence is a turbulent time in life and gives rise to new information needs for young people. Information needs related to school subjects have been relatively well researched but few studies have focused on information needs and use related to life concerns. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine the information needs of a number of teenage girls in relation to their life concerns and how they meet these needs. The sample consists of twenty-one girls aged thirteen and fourteen. The research is based on literature studies and qualitative interviews combined with a questionnaire.

Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm

The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ?the new school? situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ?the old school? belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other.

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